Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Spinning and Stitches

I hadn't spun in months when I sat down the other day to spin up some of my Lisa Souza merino in Fresh Avocado. This yarn is for a basic sweater with short row shaping in the bust. On the whole, I have been satisfied with my results. I am still relatively new to spinning on a wheel, and my yarn is a bit uneven at times because of it. I feel I need to make time to spin at least once a week so I can maintain the skills I have acquired and perhaps to move myself along towards mastery :)

Also, I have made the decision not to go to Stitches West this year. With the big move coming up, I just can't justify laying out all that money to travel up to Santa Clara and/or purchasing yarn or fiber. I love Stitches West and hope to attend next year...

That's it for now. It's not much, but I don't want to give in to procrastination!

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