Tuesday, February 23, 2010

WIP-Dancing project finished :)

So I finished that old Hallowig, finally! This isn't such a complicated project and it went quickly once I sat down and knit so I really don't know what my problem was LOL!


~Marge~ said...

Really cute! I've got 2 rather large baskets with unfinished knitting ... wanna do some of mine?? LOL That's a neat 'wig'. Gr-daughter just saw it and now she wants one. Is this your own pattern or did you get it online somewhere?

Dawn said...

What a cutie modeling!:) You'll have to wear that to a meet huh?:)

Melissa F. in CA said...

Thanks for the comments! I will add a link to the free pattern. I'd love to be able to take credit for the design but I'm not that advanced yet LOL!

madhat said...

That's brilliant!

Glamorous Newlywed said...

How cute!